Rayonex Pyramids

What is Bioresonance?

Bioresonance is based on modern biophysics, which teaches us that all matter has a resonant frequency. Similarly, every cell in our body also resonates at a particular frequency, which takes the form of a subtle electromagnetic field. Groups of cells in an organ or system have unique multiple frequency patterns which form a complex frequency make-up for the whole body.

The oldest form of bioresonance is the light of our sun. If sunlight reaches our skin, regulations are initiated. This is not caused by the heat of the sun, but by the ultraviolet portion of the light spectrum. Thus, ultraviolet light is able to stimulate the formation of pigments.

Our skin has an integrated regulating system which pigments it, i.e. makes it look brown, in direct response to the specific ultraviolet frequencies. The pigmentation of the skin is only one of many regulations that are initiated by sunlight, another one is the stimulation of the production of Vitamin D.

Apart from the narrow frequency band of the sunlight, there are also other frequencies which initiate their own regulations in the organism.

Heal with natural frequencies

Most Advanced Bioresonance Threatment Ever Discovered

Rayonex Bioresonance is based on modern biophysics, which teaches us that all matter has a resonant frequency.

  • The only certified medical bioresonance devices on the market
  • Affordable base unit
  • Modules can subsequently be ordered and activated at any time

Passive Dipole Antenna System

Rayonex uses a passive dipole antenna system, which was invented by the German engineer genius Paul Schmidt in the 1970's, to manually generate resonance fields as the way to generate and enhance the healing frequencies our bodies need.

Wide Frequency Specturm

Rayonex devices resonate with frequencies across the whole spectrum of frequency ranges, from Hertz to Kilohertz, Megahertz and Gigahertz, with the use of fundamental frequency values. This ensures that imbalances in the body are harmonised before they can manifest as a disease in the body.

Gentle Bioresonance

Rayonex devices are factory preset to only produce harmonious sine-wave frequencies (also known as gentle bioresonance), designed to stimulate an immune response and to change the milieu of the organism, to help the body heal itself.

Modular Concept

This means that the Rayonex Bioresonance Devices can be equipped with the appropriate modules according to the needs and therapeutic priorities of the practitioner (e.g. acupuncture module, Rayoscan, Cell degeneration module, etc).

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Dr. Birsel Uçkun Bioresonance Clinic

How can I benefit from Bioresonance?

Almost any condition will benefit from Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt. It addresses the underlying causes of chronic and degenerative diseases. When our body is ill or diseased the body's frequency patterns are disturbed or distorted. With Bioresonance According to Paul Schmidt, a resonant field of sinusoid frequencies rebalances the body and creates an environment in which the body heals itself. Bioresonance treatment enhances the body’s own regulation and detoxification, thereby balancing any imbalance, strengthening any weakness, and boosting the body's natural immune system. Bioresonance According to Paul Schmidt is a very powerful and natural way for the body to recover its optimum state of health.

Rayonex Polar 1000

What are the root causes of disease?

Simply speaking, anything that causes stress on the organism creates acidity and causes dis-ease. In this context, the key to good health is to reduce acidity and to create an alkaline environment in our bodies.

Major factors that influence the ph balance in our body are the food we eat, harmful substances (heavy metals, pesticides, chemicals, environmental toxins, etc.), harmful micro-organisms (bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi), electromagnetic radiation, geological disturbances that can lead to geopathic stress in the body, as well as the presence or absence of other internal and external stress factors, such as mental and emotional stress at home or at work, etc.

Another great advantage of the system is the modular concept of the Rayocomp devices. This means that the Rayonex Bioresonance Devices can be equipped with the appropriate modules according to the needs and therapeutic priorities of the practitioner (e.g. acupuncture module, Rayoscan, Cell degeneration module, etc).

We can test and harmonise the SYMPTOMS OF 61 DIFFERENT DISEASES

Giving up an addiction
Alzheimer’s disease
Parkinson’s disease
Multiple sclerosis
Diabetes mellitus
Joint inflammation
Otitis media, acute
Acute hearing loss
Thyroid gland hyper/hypo-function
Menopause complaints
Hemorrhagic anemia
Renal anemia
Iron-deficiency anemia
Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia
Vitamin B6 deficiency anemia
Folic acid deficiency anemia
Wet/Dry macular degeneration
Bronchial asthma
Pneumonia, bacterial/atypical
Kidney failure
Crohn’s disease
Ulcerative colitis
Irritable bowel syndrome
Degeneration of the liver
Allergy complete
Tonsillitis, acute
Venous impairment of the blood supply
High blood pressure (hypertension)
Renal hypertension
Cardiac insufficiency, left and right
Angina pectoris
Bronchitis, acute and chronic
Sinusitis, acute and chronic
Gastritis, acute and chronic
Rheumatism and Arthritis
Nutrient Point Stressors (Electro Acupuncture)
Cancer Support
Energetic Imbalances
Candida and other Fungal Mycosis
Eczema and Skin-Related Issues
Joint Disease and Deterioration
Emotional Blocks SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth)
Viruses (Well-being Protocol)
Bacterial Infections
Toxic Heavy Metal detoxification
Toxin Overload
Outdoor Allergies (Hay Fever etc)

Contact Us

Got any question? Let’s talk about it.


187 Angel Place, Fore Street

Upper Edmonton, London, N18 2UD


+44 (2081) 338010

+44 (7586) 105088
